Stand Out

1 Peter 2:9, 1Corinthians 15:58, Ephesians 6:11 Joshua 1:7-9

Daily, some of us find ourselves confronted with the problem of an identity crisis. We cant really say who we are and what we're here for. This causes a major problem as we may lose our stand and get swayed in our faith.

Gradually, you begin to lose touch with God and see 'no big deal' in doing things that everyone else is doing  even without reason. You begin to get lost in the crowd.

Now that's  a major problem you need to solve! And fast!

As Christ's Ambassadors, we need to take a stand as God's representatives on Earth and not as Earth's citizens. To do this, your identity must be known, recognized, understood and appreciated by you so as to avoid the case of an identity crisis and its consequences.

One sure way to discover yourself is in the Word of God. The Bible is your life manual. Every answer you'll ever need in life is in the Bible. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you can actually grasp a revelation of who you are in Christ.

Here's what you can do:

1. Get a comprehensible version (NLT, NKJV, ERV, etc.) of the Bible for yourself probably from a local bookstore

2. Get a daily Bible plan online or from your minister/pastor on your identity in Christ.

3. Consult your pastor or a sound Christian leader for counseling.

4. Develop an intimate relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. To get the Holy Spirit, ask God for Him to fill you with His Spirit, to be a part of you genuinely. You can also seek spiritual advice or assistance on this.

Decision is the key element here. You have to decide in your heart, be committed and patient and nothing can stop you.

Don't get lost in the crowd... STAND OUT!


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