Our Past, His Future

Every one of us has a past. No matter how dull, bright, regretful, or miserable it is, it’s still your past. The problem however is that in as much as we have so much potential in us and a bright future ahead, most people still tend to focus on their past.

Moreover, the devil loves this and capitalizes on it; the weakness of a man dwelling in his past. He never has your best interest at heart and will always try to steal your joy and hope of a bright future in Christ.

Even though all these persist, we are to remind ourselves of the fact that in Christ all things are made new and all our past sins have been cast away (2Cor 5:17, 1John 1:9)

When the Bible said that he who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is unfit for God’s work, what did you take that verse to mean?

For one thing is certain, whenever you start your walk with God, there is no past. Don’t look back and remind yourself of your past life and sins. For all things are made new in Him and we are therefore new creatures.

When you begin your walk with Christ, then your life truly begins!

So, when Mr. Devil comes knocking on your door of thoughts, put up a sign post of his future which has been assuredly secured and awaits him in the bottomless pit of hell; his bright and burning future!

We all have a better hope of life in Christ. Look up to Him and let go of your past!


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