One for All, All for One

                                                   ‘Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno’.

‘One for all, all for one’. It entails one member acting for the benefit of the group and the group acting for the benefit of the individual. This concept does not pertain only to The Three Musketeers but extends to all organizations including Christianity.

When Christ came down to suffer and die for the salvation of all men, He didn’t do it out of regret or murmuring. He didn’t do it for a specific set of people or a specific time frame for the world after which He’ll lock the gates of Heaven. HE DID IT ONCE, FOR ALL.

Jesus Christ’s only crime was LOVE. He loved us so dearly that He became the lamb that would be led to the slaughter. He loved so badly, He died for what He loved (John 3:16).

But it’s so disheartening to see the person you love so much act as though they never knew you or like my brother would say ‘not give a rat’s eye about you’. Even when the person knows you, they don’t live up to one bit of the love you have for them.

One thing I’ve come to understand is that we owe Him our lives. He died for us and bought us with His own precious blood. Therefore, we are not to live for ourselves but for the one who owns us. However, He doesn’t want it to be forced on you but that you’d rather give yourself up to Him willingly so that He can truly count on you. 

We are all a part of the body of Christ. We are to function as one body having the interest of one at heart.

                                                 It’s Jesus for all and all for Jesus!


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