Healing Words

There’s always a point in our lives when we are confronted with the situation of having to meet someone who may be the ONLY one that can help you with something that’s really important. It’s actually more frightening when that person has a really sour reputation or is very aggressive.

That’s when our choice of words becomes very critical to unlocking such ‘doors’ to our needs. Even when a friend is sick or down, there are words which have a healing effect on such a person.

Through the words you speak overtime, one can determine your personality and know what kind of things you’re interested in. Your vocabulary also has a way of affecting your mood and others too e.g. a person who uses too much vulgar words is usually hot tempered.
The Bible admonishes us to be of good cheer. We are to be fountains of living water, adopting good words and watching what we let in and out of our systems/lives. 
We cannot bless and curse, heal and destroy nor give life and death at the same time with our lips. Our words actually have the power to cause death and to give life/blessings. This is another important reason to guard our heart and lips. The words we speak over the life of a person or are spoken over us have impacts too. This is why such things as generational curses exist.
As God’s people, let’s learn to bless lives, save souls, uplift one another and heal people with our words… our healing words!


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