Standard Living

. 2Corinthians 10:12

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” (Theodore Roosevelt).

For most people, the right way to live is when they’re able to measure up to their rivalry, friends or role models. There is in existence a life of comparison with one another.

This case has its consequences though. Even after you’ve reached and possibly gone ahead of their standard, there is no true fulfillment and you begin to seek a higher standard. It could also breed jealousy, rivalry, bitterness, disunity, loss of one’s peace of mind and so many other daunting effects.

However, the Bible tells us that this is to be regarded as foolishness. For how long will it last? When will it ever be enough? Is your standard even in the right path?

We are instructed to use Christ as our standard of living or measurement of living. In every decision or crossroad, we’re to ask ourselves: What would Jesus do? (WWJD)

In this way or standard of living, there is true fulfillment, joy, fellowship, glorification of God and peace like a river! His standard never changes, He’s the best and He’s the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).
It's time you defined your standard of living!


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