Maximizing Your Lifetime

           It's the little things in life that matter the most. Even the lives we live doesn't really depend on or impact more based on the lifespan. Age is just a number! What truly matters is how much of it was invested (pleasing God and serving/helping humanity).

           Maximizing one's life doesn't mean increasing your life span (longevity). It doesn't mean living your life for yourself or staying awake 24/7.

           No matter how short a life is, it can be maximized through its potentials/opportunities; taking advantage of every opportunity one has to increase one's capacity.

           It entails loving God with all your might, heart and soul (Deuteronomy 6:5). Maximizing the potentials of your relationship with God. Knowing God, yourself and doing great exploits.

           It also involves showing love and care to everyone around you with every oppurtunity you have. Have fun. good fun, with your friends! Uplift each other. Give more and love more. Not the kind of love portrayed on the TV but true brotherly love.

           There's also an essential place of having family time. Showing concern, giving attention to and helping out in family issues . Making your parents and siblings proud of you!

           Don't live a wasted or a spent life. Live an invested life and maximize it to its fullest potentials!

(In honor of Ndidiamaka Cletus of blessed memory, a man who maximized his life..... You said I should 'blog you' and here I am 'blogging you').


  1. Very true and inspiring. More grace to you, Funmi. God bless you.

  2. Einstein said "a life not lived for others is not worth while". Jesus gave us two commandment, the love of God and the love of our neighbour. So we should strive always to love genuinely.

  3. You got that right @Emmy. Thank you!


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