Life Lessons

In life, we must certainly find ourselves in situations we didn’t bargain for. We get really uncomfortable, miserable, regretful and frustrated in such times.

Sometimes, we may be expecting something or going through a transition or even working towards something that seems to take forever like Noah in the Bible. 

It is in these moments our faith begins to flicker or fail us. This is the path where many feet have failed to stand strong in. The devil tries to get a hold of us in such situations as he did with Job in the Bible. But we are not to give him any chance.

We are to hold on to God’s Word. Have a positive mindset knowing that you’ll only come out stronger and better. Just like the songwriter said ‘what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger’. And we also have a firm promise in the Lord that no temptation will no overcome us (1Corinthians 10:13).

A life without ups and downs is a life that hasn’t been lived. It’s our challenges in life that actually makes us who we are. The good times only come after the storm as a period of reflection, thanks and bonding with God.

So whenever we are faced with any situation that seems overwhelming, always know you’re getting stronger and gaining another one of life’s lessons.


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