Is It Trust or Fear?

                                        Proverbs 3:5-6, John 14:1, 2 Timothy 1:7, Joshua 1:9

                Nowadays, we see a lot of people doing very some weird and funny things in the name of practicing Christianity. People stack up ornaments for protection, attend four to five of the same Church services on Sunday mornings or go far and wide for 'special' prayers and prophecies.

                Every now and then people get really anxious and begin to condemn every little thing as evil. Once a woman was passing by my street and was preaching that fancy bags, clothes and even underwear were evil and anyone using such would die and go to hell. 

                This really got me thinking: What is Christianity all about? Is it a barrier to life or life itself? Is it a fanatical belief where everyone else except you is getting it wrong with God? Or are people just afraid of themselves (what they've become) and what's out there in the world?

                Most certainly, God hasn't given us the spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind. The meaning of this goes far beyond what is being practised today by many people. I want you to just imagine a powerful personality.

  Now imagine that he or she is such a loving person using all that power to cater for the needs of people also having a very sound life in all aspects. And you know what??? That person in YOU!

                Now tell me, is there anything wrong in that?

You were meant for so much more!


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