Good Grief

. 2 Corinthians 7:10

It has become has so usual for some of us to do something bad and when we get caught or even if we don’t, we feel overwhelmed because of what others are going to say if they find out. You see yourself asking for God’s forgiveness and repenting over and over again.

However, the worst part of it all is that after a while, you get right back to doing such things and probably in a worse manner.

The problem is not that you didn’t repent or you ‘over-repented’. The problem is actually the reason backing your repentance. You’d ask me how? Didn’t you feel bad and ask God for forgiveness? Didn’t you repent and promise 100 times that you wouldn’t do such evil or dead works again?

Yes, you did all that but in a worldly manner so to say; to satisfy your conscience and boost your confidence/outlook, to feel detached from associating with such a problem which you’ve not defeated. You probably did it out of the need to avoid criticism and disappointing others.

The Bible teaches us that that’s the worldly grief/sorrow which produces death as one continues with one’s dead works sorrowfully and doesn’t find life/freedom in Christ. However, we are to repent out of the godly sorrow/grief knowing fully well that we’ve hurt God and acted contrary to our Christ-like nature.

We are to repent out of godly sorrow so that we may, with fear and trembling, work out our salvation in Christ. Know that you hurt yourself and the one who died for you not the people who surround you.


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