A Life That Knows No Sin

          Does it sound impossible to live a life above sin or one that knows no sin? In a world where one has to be 'street wise' and will be confronted with many juicy temptations, can that life possibly exist?

          Even Christians are confronted and yield to sin. As such they keep on asking for forgiveness and repenting all the time. THis actually takes up a lot of useful prayer time.

          The Bible says that "WIth God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26) even a life beyond sin. A clear example is the life of Jesus Christ which knew no sin yet bore all our sins. He is a perfect example and encourages us to be the same. (Matthew 5: 48)

           Therefore, if we truly are to live like Christ, being Christians, then we are to emulate the life He lived which was above sin bearing in mind that we are new creatures in Christ (2Corinthians 5:17). One may ask, how possible is that?

            However, we are to differentiate between mistakes and sins. We're all humans and we all make mistakes but sin is of the world, its an act of disobedience against the instructions of God. It hurts God and only leads to death. Mistakes necessitate correction while sin, repentance.

            A life that knows no sin is one that is hidden in Christ and filled with the Word of God. Sin easily attacks your Spirit when it's without the Word which is our 'spiritual antibodies'.

If Christ lived a life above sin, then He expects us to do even more (John 14:12)


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