If You Can't Beat Them

 Proverbs 11:30

Most times, it’s very difficult to get someone to see things from your own perspective. You’re trying to get them to change something about their lifestyle or to embrace a new faith or to just do something new and they’re as stubborn as a donkey!

Not to worry! Everyone goes through this difficulty especially me. I’ve found out that one of the best ways to get someone to reason like you is for you to first reason like them.

To cause a paradigm shift, you have to first go through one. When you view life from their own eyes, you become like them and try to understand them so as to know how best to approach such a person as there are many ways to kill a rat.

You need to harmonize with such a person and condescend to their level just as Christ came down in human form to be just like us to win our souls and make salvation available to all. Remember, just as you’d like everyone to see things your way, that’s how everyone wants you to see things their way.

NOTE: We were called to preach (Matthew 28:19-20) not condemn (Matthew 7:1)! So many make the mistake of condemning in the name of preaching and this results in a negative mindset of the other person. Thus, making people to crawl back into their shells



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