
(I think the answer to that question Jesus asked in Matthew 7:9 are the cheapskates)

My brother actually told me about the TV show ‘Cheapskates’ but I couldn’t believe it until I checked it out for myself.

Funny as it sounds that some people would intentionally live as miserly as using candles instead of their light bulbs or turning off the TV during the commercials while timing it so as to lessen the bills, some of us actually do similar things though in different and probably in more subtle forms.

An example of such was written by Kenneth Hagin in his book, The Believer’s Authority. It cited the story of a poor beggar who died out of malnutrition in a shaggy apartment but it was later discovered that he had a belt around his waist containing thousands of US Dollars. Even I for one would usually reduce my handwriting on purpose to save some space...

No wonder the Bible says ‘My people perish for lack of knowledge’. A lot of people live miserly as though there is no other hope of getting any money or alternative. It leads to suffering, low self-esteem, poor relationship skills, family problems, etc.

When we begin to dwell in the light of the knowledge of God’s love and the royal priestly inheritance we have in Him, we’ll probably begin to see the difference between spending wisely and spending miserly.


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