Happy Feet

Ask yourself this question:

Do I make people happy wherever I go or whenever I go?

As a junior student in the boarding school, there was always this joy in ‘gisting’ with my classmates. But there’d be dead silence as soon as a ‘wicked’ senior student stepped into the room. That’s how it is everywhere! There’s always this person that just sucks out the life anywhere he/she steps into.

However, there are still those who just ‘turn on the lights’ wherever they step into. You just can’t be sad when you’re around such people.

 For example, my teacher shared a story of how they were mourning the loss of a church worker in his home. Everyone was moody but as soon as the senior pastor stepped in, there was an inexplicable aura of joy that filled the room. She said it was like the lights came on and no one felt like mourning.

As Christians, we have not been given a ministry of sorrow and pain but of reconciliation, a spirit of love, power and of a sound mind. We are not sent to places or people to kill their joy but to BE the joy of the people.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." (Maya Angelou).

Life doesn’t matter how long it is lived but how much of it is shared. Making people happy and feeling better should be our duty. People should ‘come alive’ when around us.

Remember, we are not kill-joys rather we ‘birth’ joy!


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