Sustaining a Distant Relationship

I love my best friend, Ozi. She means a whole lot to me but now we've graduated and she’s in Lagos while I’m in Abuja. Back in school, I would invade her room anytime I wished at no transport cost, gist without worries about insufficient airtime, hang out together with our ‘last card’ and watch movies with the lights out (munching a pack of Digestive while watching Edge of Seventeen was a blast!). Now things are quite different... She works so we can only talk when she’s available. I’m job hunting and I get so tired sometimes I forget to call. Recently, I started feeling the distance creeping in and I told her about it. She agreed that it was so we decided to talk about it but when we got talking, we just chattered on like old times. In every relationship, communication is vital more so in sustaining a distant relationship. If you start worrying about the other person and the distance is creeping in, buzz ‘em! Talk about the past, present, future, i...