So ... What's Next?

"What are we even going to do at home? I need to get job o!" I said. "It's even true, I  can't stay at home and be doing nothing, my parents won't even be smiling with me. Maybe I'll start selling buns in one primary school close to the house" Ada said jokingly and we all laughed in the room. "Abi o! But I would like to just get a job sharp sharp before NYSC and make some money at least" Amara said.

As we talked, I couldn't help but think, what's next?

So here's what, I just finished up my project, about to graduate from the university and I’m wondering what’s next? How do I get a job now? Will I get a job now???

We're all leaving school gradually. In fact, it's surprising when I get to see any of my classmates still around, we're like 'Hey! What are you doing here?' And I'm wondering what's next?

Well, I've always had my big fancy dreams of being in the corporate world, working in some big company and traveling around the world... you know, to 'hammer' (make it) in life.

Thing is, we humans are wired to work and keep ourselves busy. Getting stuck can be quite frustrating for anyone. Right now however, I feel like I’m stuck in between two phases of life; getting out of school and finding my place in the society. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll waver in my faith or do stuff that I never thought I would and it makes me scared a bit. 

It’s not a feeling you can easily relate to someone who hasn't been there… I think it can only be felt (My friend thinks I’m overreacting though).

But it's become a real thing for me.

My brother told me that it’s normal and he felt that way and it was quite frustrating. Family be looking at you like ‘what are you lying down there for? Mogbeni, won’t you go and make yourself useful.’

I know I have a crazy bright smoking hot future ahead of me and I'm super positive about it but right now, I can’t wait for what I dreamed of to become true... 

For those of us in a transitioning phase of life, one of the best things to do is to stay put, take out time to really think and study yourself before running off.

"Times of transition are strenuous, but I love them. They are an opportunity to purge, rethink priorities, and be intentional about new habits. We can make our own new normal any way we want."
(Kristin Armstrong)

Transition - the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. 

From seed to sequoia…


  1. Lolz........Hahahahaha nice write-up. What's next was the question I asked myself back then as a matter of fact we would keep on asking what next as we sail through life but what's most important is to have an ultimate vision and then set you goals to achieve our vision. Once you have the right vision you will have the right goals that would determine how you live and spend every moment of your life. My Vision, dreams and goals after getting them on ground have patterned my way of life and has given me a great disposition. Congratulations once again on your new Job. I pray that the next after this keeps coming as God leads. Blessings Dear

  2. That's true and great you applied that.
    Thank you very much.
    All the best Silka!


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