Aging: Embracing Reality

“Pay close attention, friend, to what your father tells you; never forget what you learned at your mother’s feet.

Wear their counsel like flowers in your hair, like rings on your fingers.”
(Proverbs 1:8-9)

This verse of Scripture kept coming to my head after reading it anytime I got into a conversation with my dad or mum during the holidays. It became a thing of reflection for me.

Growing up over the years, my parents always told us their stories and pieces of advice either from the mistakes they made, their share of experiences in life or the lessons they learned from their own parents. They always talk about their Civil War experiences and the Igbo culture; foods that have phased out, the games they played and Igbo proverbs…

Don’t get it twisted though. It wasn’t all roses and daisies. Some days were really annoying especially when my mum decided to be on my matter. But now I appreciate all the moments as I look back because it helped mould me into a stronger and better person.

Like flowers in my hair, like rings on my fingers… I’d love to show them off and hold on to them because they are beautiful, precious and true!

Let their words guide you; they’ll beautify your life with their wisdom within.

I began to ask myself “What kind of life would I want to live and be known for? What kind of impact would I like to make in the lives of the people I hold dear to me? What will I get to tell and leave for my children and generations to come? ...” (Psalm 90:12)

I get to study the grey hairs of my mother and her lovely hands and I begin to appreciate life. I began to respect the grey hairs of elders; it tells a lot of stories.

It’s a beautiful thing and we’re all going to get there someday…

Embrace it!

Prepare for it! 

As you make your bed, so shall you lie on it…


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