A Li'l Bit About Success

At some point during this break when I wanted to surrender because my internship plans failed, my brother suggested I learn web design online. It seemed like a good idea because I planned going into programming. So, I took it upon myself to learn something new; dive into a whole new world of coding. Well, I'm proud to tell you that I can design a basic (static) website using HTML and some CSS ( I'm getting there small small o! ). Although I do feel as though I could’ve done and earned more, I’m not wasting any time on regrets. I’ve started making plans to advance in my career and as a person. If you want to succeed, you have to define what success means to you. Paint the big picture and start small but never lose sight of the big picture and settle for less. For me, success is becoming more and then giving more. To make an impact in lives... Ideas are big potentials hidden in the mind. Write them down, work on them, and evolve them. Consciously t...