Are Miracles For Real? (The Sequel)

In an effort to explain even the inexplicable and bring everything under the control and understanding of mankind, man has evolved through a process of acquiring, testing and proving knowledge and coming up theories to explain everything.

It may be called a spontaneous remission or whatever just because the professional doctor cannot understand the workings of God through miracles as He heals the incurable and worst diseases known to mankind. However, man's efforts can never dispute the fact that God still works miracles as He has always done and always will.

A miracle is a lamp of hope in the darkest of nights as it was for Annabel in Miracles From Heaven (a must-watch). Life itself is a miracle that man cannot explain. Every minute and moment of our lives are miracles. It is only when taken away from us that we truly acknowledge its wonder.

  •  Raised From The Pool

This is a true story of a female teacher in Abuja who had an unexpected turn of events while on an excursion with her students. 

While supervising about 30 students on an excursion to a hotel with a swimming pool, she had written down the names of those who could swim (5 of them) but had strictly warned them not to dive into the pool as there was no lifeguard. However, one of the boys (one of the 5) dived in.

After a while, she noticed his absence among the students and started looking for him with her fellow teacher. They found him in the pool but he wasn't moving so they quickly sought how to remove him from the pool .

When they had finally brought him out after about 30 minutes since he had dived in, he had already bloated and blackened. The boy was dead. Now this 15-year old boy's father is a retired general of the military who had waited for 13 years before they had the boy who was their only child... this meant big trouble for the teacher.

The woman just kept on fervently praying while an ambulance was called to carry the corpse. Before the ambulance arrived, the boy sneezed! He came back to life! And now the rest is a story...

God still works miracles... If He did it before, He can do it again! Have faith; trust and obey!


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