The 'Criticality' of Your Salvation


                                                     John 14:11, 10:38, Philippians 2:12

"What makes you think you are a Christian?"

It's quite interesting the responses you'll get. For me however, I was born into a Christian family and I thought I was a Christian automatically by virtue of birth. Along the line, I found out that my parents' salvation didn't guarantee mine so I decided to get saved; get Christ for myself (by believing and confessing Christ).

Hmm... Well, there's more to salvation than just accepting Christ. Apostle Paul addresses this in Philippians 2:12 when he talks about working out our salvation with fear and trembling. This means that we are to treasure, uphold and diligently live up to our status in Christ as though it could be snatched away at any time. However, in reality, that's the devil's main objective (John 10:10).

Our salvation is so critical that Jesus our Lord had to die for us Himself, go to hell and resurrect on the third day just to make available salvation for all. He urged us so many times to believe in Him to be saved. He even pleads that we believe in His works if possible, so that we can be saved from condemnation in judgement.

If we can truly grasp the 'criticality' of our salvation like Paul did and totally gave up himself for Christ, then our walk with God will begin to make more sense to us. Studying the Scriptures under the guidance of the Holy Spirit can give us a clear picture on how to handle this issue.

You need to realize that even the devil is jealous of you and wants to steal your salvation from you by all means even to the point of deceiving you that it's of no use when he truly understands that its your gate pass into Heaven. The world will also hate you because of it.

Just rest assured and know that you're saved in Christ. You've just gotta work it out!


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