Appreciating Your Sexuality

Psalm 139: 13-14, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Genesis 1:27

               Take a close look at every homosexual or transgender or any person who deviates from the standard level of relationship i.e. man and woman. You'll see a trace of confusion and the failure of understanding and appreciating their sexuality.   

                They feel that their new decision to deviate is right and have become what they were 'meant' to be or have 'completed' God's work of creation in them.

                This begs the question: Is God a liar? Is He now at a crossroad in the process of creation even after eternity of creating you or the usual '9 months' (Jeremiah 1:5)?!

                You have been made the way you are to fulfill a unique purpose! No one can be you or fulfill your own purpose but you. Just like my teacher asked: If you always want to be like someone else then who'll be you?

"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." (Oscar Wilde)

                Therefore, we are to love and appreciate who we are, our sexuality, and not just discover but fulfill God's purpose of creating us. There is no multiplication in homosexuality and this is an outright disobedience to God's command (Genesis 1:28).

                 However, the issue of sexuality bothers a lot of people and is pushing them into making certain outrageous decisions which is also a plan of the devil to take us away from God. To get on the right track, please:
  • ·         Seek God's face in prayer and His Word (The Bible).
  • ·         Seek godly counselling and share your worries with a sound and elderly Christian.
  • ·         Be careful of the things you view or hear and the company you keep.
Always know you're not a mistake and you're just perfect as you are for a specific purpose!


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