3 Things God Cannot Do

Many times we say there is nothing God cannot do. This line of thinking though wonderful, affects our perspective of a relationship with God and deprives us of the benefits of fully appreciating God’s Love.

 We serve a limitless God but to truly appreciate Him and His plan for our lives, we need to realize that there are certain things God can never do which include:

GOD CANNOT LIE (Numbers 23:19):
When God says a thing, we are to hold on to His Word (The Bible inclusive) and personalize it without any doubt.

Doubt belittles the fullness of the power of God in our lives and hinders us from receiving blessings. We are to be equipped with faith to believe and please Him (Hebrews 11:6).

This attribute is the sole platform of every other thing God cannot do as He has revealed Himself to us through the Word.

GOD CANNOT CHANGE (Malachai 3:6):
God is not ‘Ben 10’ having different forms and tongues. He is neither a backstabber nor a chameleon.

God is who He always has been and will be: LOVE! Time doesn’t affect His nature unlike us so don’t be deceived by the devil that He will change to an unmerciful judge in your case.

 He will never promise you fish and give you snakes (Matthew 7:7-11).

God’s capacity to forgive is limitless and the best part of it is that He’ll never remember it.

Actually, we’re the ones who condemn ourselves and remind ourselves of our own past and forgiven sins through the deception of the devil that we can never be acceptable to God because of the past.

The devil deceives us to believe that we can be readily reminded by God of our past sins. This makes most Christians to crawl back into their shells.

 It's time to let go and live free from bondage because you have been set free (John 8:36)!


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