Learning to Trust

“Relationships are supposed to be about trust…” ( Sheila in Why Did I Get Married Too, 2010 ) Trust. Total trust. Complete trust… I just decided to give it a try… Not like this was a trust issue but I got insight (the light!) into something else. I was asked to choose between two bottles of water. One was half full while the other was lesser, more like a quarter of the bottle. So, he asked me “Which one do you want?” and I replied “Anyone you give me.” He smiled and gave me the bottle that was half full... Ordinarily, I would've chosen the lesser one (you know... be forming 'humble') and would've been left thinking probably ‘What if I had gone for the bigger one?’ or maybe not. Instantly, a thought flashed through my mind. So many times, we choose the lesser option because we think that’s what God would want us to have or as a sign of humility. But God actually wants us to have the best! Sometimes, we go for the lesser because we ...